The following constitutes the agreement between Robert Steinberg dba MidiOpera and you, the purchaser or end user of the audio and/or MIDI recorded material herein referred to as the "music". In general, you are encouraged to use this music for non profit live performance or for purchaser's voice over recording. You may not engage in any activity or reproduction of the music, owned by MidiOpera and licensed to you, which is in direct competition with the financial or artistic interests of MidiOpera. Under no circumstances may any content available from this site be distributed, sold or otherwise made available via the World Wide Web, IntraNet, Internet or any other network of any other kind; or sold to any other individual alone or as part of a musical compilation without express written consent. If the music is to be used for performance by a company, copies of the audio may be distribution to cast members of their individual material. Preferable to MidiOpera is that cast members not have the entire work. Discounts are available to multiple users such as in a performing company. Cast albums for fundraising or souvenir are also allowable as long as there is a voice over and not the underlying music owned by MidiOpera alone. Under no circumstances shall the underlying MIDI file be given to anyone other than the licensed purchaser of the midi-score. I believe these are fair and non restrictive uses. However, should you chose to engage in direct competitive action with the MidiOpera by using the music alone for purposes contrary to this simple agreement, you are also agreeing to pay all legal expenses necessary to protect the copyrights of Robert Steinberg/MidiOpera. Theatrical performance and rehearsal rights within the State of Florida are restricted if deemed to be competitive with the owner of MidiOpera. Qualified educational institutions are generally exempt from this restriction. Please use this link to Robert for written permission if you are unsure about your performance and rehearsal rights. |